Friday, November 21, 2008


So this morning I woke up with an unusual bounce in my stride. I couldn't quite explain it but for some reason I found myself humming and singing in the shower. Then in the process of ironing my shirt I was thoroughly delighted and it was fun. And for the first time all year I remembered not to eat my cereal so as to leave room for the bagels we get every Friday. It was gearing up to be a whopper of a day. Then as I was headed back to the office from a lunch meeting in the city it struck me... in the nose... a small flaky ice crystal. Then another. No wonder! Today was the first day of snow. Apparently it doesn't snow much in DC but I've recently spent some time in Wisconsin and this was just a delight. Here's to you, you magical snow goddess. If you aren't platinum... then my name isn't Lincoln McLain.

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