Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Platinum Links: Tools Edition

1. This is a pretty nice review of the different to-do list tools that are available on the web. Having tried out Google Tasks and Remember The Milk, I can say that these reviews are spot on. I love google tasks. It's what reminded me to post today. :)

2. Here's a review of another kind of online tool. One that I hope no one who reads this blog will ever use.

3. . Megan Mcardle does an amazing job of explaining why everyone should be angry that Wal-mart is in favor of the employer health care mandate. Yet no one is even reporting what is so blatantly going on. While Megan talks about the other retailers who will get nailed by this, my mind tends to gravitate towards my father, who as a small businessman would get screwed by this kind of legislation. The way this story has been covered in the news is why I'm not sad at all about the death of newspapers. Long live The Economist.

4. People are looking for talented people in a recession, but not necessarily where you would think.

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