Saturday, June 20, 2009

Mobility in all its forms

1. Two quick hits. This blog post talks about how Ohio's municipal employees can't be required to live in the municipality that they are employed. This usually comes into play with police officers, firemen, and teachers. The post points out something that I'd never thought of before. If we don't require adults to live in the area that they work, why do we require kids to go to schools in their own zip codes? What's good enough for adults probably is good enough for kids...Very interesting way of thinking about how choice is allowed for in society already.

2. Here's an interesting article about the race for governor in New Jersey and how school choice may factor into it. I've met several people who say education reform isn't a democrat or republican issue. I think a lot of it has to do with circumstances, but I generally tend to disagree with the question. I think it's more a question of how you view the role of government providing services to the general population. It's not an ends, but a means question. Process matters, maybe more than the endgame itself at times. For a better idea of what I mean by process, read this short blog post about education vs. health care.

3. So I lied. One more thing. I'm going to try and follow this blog post, but who knows. One thing I do know is that I took my current job because I want to work on my writing. As a side note for anyone that does a decent amount of research, the application offered by Zotero seems to be amazing. Check out the video.

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