Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Random Hits...

1. Interesting article on education and school unions at KIPP schools. What I find fascinating about the whole discussion is that it acts as if the only options are unionize or not unionize. For the 90% of the workforce that's not in unions, I've heard of this radical thing called, "Getting a different job that you like more." It's an odd concept, isn't it.

2. funny.

3. Unintended consequences of cutting off democratic processes. My favorite line is, “It wasn’t a problem of too much democracy,” said Larry Ottinger, president of the Center for Lobbying in the Public Interest. “It was a problem of money corrupting politics.” If I were commenting for the article, I'm pretty sure I'd say, "It was a problem of too much money from government,” said Raph, president of the Center for No One Gives a Damn What I Think. “It was a problem of politics corrupting money (aka businesses) by offering more power and influence every time the government grew.”

4. Hell yeah!

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