Monday, April 27, 2009

Platinum Links: Back from Vacation Edition

1. Oh, so that's what happens when the federal gov't gives a lot of money to banks to prevent "systemwide risk." My bad, I thought there'd be crazy unintended consequences that put the system at even more risk.

2. Good news, Detroit.

3. If you have some time on your hands.

4. A random interest of mine is in comparing univeristy websites. These are four liberal arts college websites(here, here, here, here). Without looking at the names of each school and based solely on what the website looks like, which school would you go to or send your kid to? I'm sad to say that if I used this as a measurement tool for selecting schools, my school would be dead last. In the words of someone famous, "this is why we don't have nice stuff."

PS. Sorry not to have blogged more about my vacation. Don't worry, it's coming.

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