Sunday, August 9, 2009

STD testing is highly Platinum

So DCPS is going to start giving free optional anonymous STD testing to everyone in DC high schools. One especially good thing about the program is how it takes pains to make sure that the students are given maximum privacy before, during, and after the testing. Honestly, I think this is probably the best idea I have ever heard in terms of spreading the disease among teens. As much as I want to believe that people will make smart decisions based on education, the education programs don't seem to have a great deal of impact, especially for high school students in low income schools. In light of that, the best thing to do is give students information so that they can know what their status is. It's not perfect, but I genuinely believe that kids are smart and can make better decisions once they are given information, assuming steps are taken to ensure students feel confident about obtaining the information. Kudos to the people who came up with this idea and are implementing it.

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