Friday, January 9, 2009

It's the incentives not the people... the people are platinum.

Hey guys sorry about being dorment in the from platinum appreciation. Times have been tough and to prove it I wrote an unusuially pessamistic piece on how DC works. grumble grumble grumble...

The problem with sites like these is that it doesn’t tell you why they voted one way or another. Too many times we hear crap like “you voted against labor on… fill-in-the-blank bill.” When in reality the letter of legislation is complex and contains many factors that are impossible to boil down to a single initiative like “the environment,” “job creation” or “labor.” A lot of the time politicians don’t vote for a policy because they didn’t get to put their pork in it, they didn’t get bought out. A perfect example of this is the difference between the first financial bailout that didn’t pass and the second one that passed with more tag-on’s and earmarks.

DC is a game of incentives. Phony moral high ground and righteousness poorly mask a “Why should I actually vote for it?” mentality and the greatest thing is people buy it and the system keeps churning! So much fluff you could stuff a mattress with it. (sorry, I’m getting a little pessimistic, maybe I need more sleep)

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